
Kate Golden Guzman, Ph.D., M.A.

Senior Research Associate

Kate Golden GuzmanKate Golden Guzman has more than 15 years of experience conducting applied research and evaluation using qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. She has worked in interdisciplinary community-based, academic, and clinical settings providing technical assistance and evaluation design expertise to schools, nonprofit organizations, and state and federally funded agencies.

Golden Guzman has a demonstrated commitment to examining equity issues among marginalized populations affected by child welfare. Using community-informed and person-centered approaches, her independent scholarship has focused on the relationship between neighborhood context and sense of belonging among young adults with lived experience in foster care.

Prior to joining JBA, she provided consultation to organizations conducting child welfare evaluations. She also worked at the University of Pennsylvania Mixed Methods Research Lab and the Munroe-Meyer Institute’s Interdisciplinary Center for Program Evaluation at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. She received a Ph.D. from the Rutgers School of Social Work and a joint M.A. from Tufts University.

As a member of multiple, intersectional communities, I understand ‘community’ is not monolithic. As a child welfare evaluator, I see my field struggling to engage community members equitably, potentially perpetuating harm. My own methodological practices aim to engage children and families more justly in the evaluations impacting them. When communities shape evaluation inquiries, their relevance and impact are enhanced, leading to more direct benefits for the communities.