Evaluation of the Notah Begay III Foundation’s Grantmaking Process and Technical Assistance
The Notah Begay III (NB3) Foundation is committed to improving the health of Native American children by supporting culturally centered programs and opportunities to live healthy, active lives.
The NB3 Foundation focuses on protective factors in four core areas: healthy nutrition, physical activity, youth development, and cultural connections. It awards funding to community partners through Promising Program, Capacity Building, Community Action, and Water First! Learning Community Action grants.
JBA evaluated the NB3 Foundation’s grantmaking and technical assistance to understand the community partners’ perceptions of their experiences with the foundation. The design and implementation of the evaluation included—
- Conducting background research and refining the logic model
- Developing the survey instrument and data collection plan
- Preparing for data collection by testing and finalizing the survey, programming the web-based survey, and preparing communication materials for survey recruitment
- Collecting data
- Analyzing the data and writing the evaluation report
Erica Blue Roberts, Ph.D., M.H.S. Associate Director
Erica Blue Roberts has more than 10 years of experience in program evaluation and analysis, applied social science research, and technical assistance. She...